Welcome to PSSSB Typing Mock Test
Your Ultimate Destination for PSSSB Typing Test Preparation

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30s 30s 1 Minutes| 60s 2 Minutes| 120s 5 Minutes| 5 min 10 Minutes| 10 min



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🕑 60 Timer


📈 0WPM

CPM📊 0

15s 15s 30s| 30s 60s| 60s 120s| 120s


What is the PSSSB Typing Mock Test?

The PSSSB typing mock test is a simulated version of the actual PSSSB typing test. It is designed to mimic the conditions and format of the real test, allowing candidates to practice their typing skills in a controlled environment. This helps in building familiarity and confidence, making it easier to perform well in the actual exam.

Why Take a PSSSB Typing Mock Test?

  • Realistic Practice: Mock tests provide a realistic practice environment, helping you get accustomed to the test format and time constraints.
  • Identify Weaknesses: Regular practice with mock tests can help you identify areas where you need improvement, whether it’s speed, accuracy, or familiarity with the keyboard layout.
  • Build Confidence: Familiarity with the test format and consistent practice can significantly boost your confidence, reducing anxiety on the actual test day.
  • Track Progress: Mock tests allow you to track your progress over time, helping you see how much you’ve improved and where you still need to focus.

How to Use PSSSB Typing Mock Tests Effectively

  • Simulate Test Conditions: Try to recreate the test environment as closely as possible. Sit in a quiet place, use a timer, and avoid any distractions.
  • Focus on Accuracy First: Initially, concentrate on typing accurately rather than quickly. Speed will naturally improve as you become more comfortable with the keyboard and the test format.
  • Practice Regularly: Make mock tests a regular part of your study routine. Consistent practice is key to improving your typing skills.
  • Analyze Your Performance: After each mock test, review your performance. Identify any mistakes and work on avoiding them in the future.
  • Use Different Passages: Practice with a variety of typing passages to ensure you’re comfortable with different types of content.

Where to Find PSSSB Typing Mock Tests

There are several online platforms and resources where you can find PSSSB typing mock tests. Many of these platforms offer both English and Punjabi typing practice tests, which are essential for PSSSB exam preparation. Some popular options include:

  • Typing Test Websites: Websites like Typing.com, 10FastFingers, and TypingClub offer free typing practice tests that can help you improve your speed and accuracy.
  • PSSSB Preparation Portals: Some educational websites and portals specifically cater to PSSSB exam preparation, offering tailored typing mock tests and practice exercises.
  • Mobile Apps: There are various mobile apps available for typing practice that can be used anytime, anywhere, making it convenient to fit practice into your daily routine.


Preparing for the PSSSB typing test is crucial for candidates aiming for clerical positions in Punjab government departments. Utilizing PSSSB typing mock tests can significantly enhance your preparation by providing realistic practice, helping you identify and work on weaknesses, and building your confidence. Regular practice with mock tests will ensure you are well-prepared to meet the typing speed and accuracy requirements of the actual PSSSB typing test.

Stay consistent with your practice, focus on improving both speed and accuracy, and leverage the various resources available to you. With diligent preparation, you'll be well on your way to acing the PSSSB typing test and securing your desired position.